Bumblebee queens mate, then hibernate!
After mating queen bumblebees will continue to feed up for a while and then go off in search of a suitable hibernation site. I have only ever found one and was disappointed in the fact that a passerby and his dog disturbed this observation!
This determined B. terrestris queen was seen pulling and tugging at roots, then was heard chewing through and snapping them as she dug deeper!
Of course as this was late June, she could have been parasitised by Sphaerularia bombi, which affects their post hibernation behaviour. I will never know!
Here is Anthony McCluskey’s (Bumblebee Conservation Trust) useful and interesting article about hibernating bumblebee queens
This morning I discovered an irate, very large (2/3 the size of my thumb) bumble bee in my bathroom. No windows open so I have no idea where she came from (I am assuming she was female because of her size) She flew off happily when I opened the window.
I bet she was happy to leave and go and try to establish a nest Helen! cheers George