Natural Kapok Bumblebee Nest Box Bedding

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SKU: Kapok Category:


Bumblebee nest box bedding material

“I found the bedding preparation video really helped and the printed instructions, were excellent. I particularly liked the sample photos of the entrance hole, disguising it to look more natural and more effective. When buying anything like this, it will just be a box sat in the garden. With your clear instructions, attention to detail and the bedding provided, it all gives everyone a fighting chance!” SN Eng   Customer reviews

“ The instructions included with the Nurturing- Nature Bumble Bee box were very comprehensive. Most other Bumblebee box suppliers give little emphasis to the nest box bedding but the NN box gave excellent instructions and emphasised its importance. After following the instructions and placing the boxes in the garden I was very happy when both were occupied by queens very quickly – the bedding set-up notes along with the video that comes with the box and the materials as supplied certainly worked !” KH Wales

Give the queen what she wants!

Why is bumblebee nest box bedding so important?

You can buy a 5-star bumblebee nest box and still not get a queen bumblebee to adopt it. Why? There are several factors related to the successful ‘take up’ of a bumblebee nest box by a queen. She has certain features and requirements that are, to her, essential. One of the most important features is the nest box bedding material that the queen will need. She wants a fully furnished apartment, not an unfurnished one! Unlike birds, she is not capable of carrying nest material to her chosen site. So I provide it for her! The kind of bedding material, the quantity, its preparation and its age can all have a bearing upon a successful acceptance by a queen. Each material has to fulfil different requirements.

Preparation is key

After many years of testing different nesting materials, different preparation methods, and visits abroad to exchange ideas, bedding, as supplied by Nurturing Nature, consists of several different natural materials, all of which, when prepared together, have been accepted by numerous bumblebee queens.

I have had great success with bumblebee queen acceptance with many of my award-winning bumblebee nest boxes and it is largely due to the attention I give to furnishing her apartment! No queen, no nest!

For more information about Bumblebees: Bumblebee Conservation Trust

Interested in Citizen Science and pollinators? The Buzz Club 

“This is the Rolls Royce of nestboxes. It comes complete with all you will need, most importantly the nesting material. I have yet to see a better designed nest box”  from the site

Read a case for bumblebee nest boxes in gardens

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