Probably Bombus hortorum, the Garden Bumblebee, feeding on primroses
This is a longue tongued bumblebee which she would need to collect the nectar deep within the primroses. Its long narrow head helps with this task. Not all bumblebees, frustratingly for them!, can access it as they have shorter tongues. You can see its tongue already extended in places as it flies amongst the closely situated flowers. They will forage on flowers that have long corollae, a long tubelike structure of petals, at the bottom of which lies the nectar.
Foxgloves, red clover, dead nettles, honeysuckles, dandelions, lavender, cowslips, vetches, delphiniums, snapdragons, aquilegia and red campion, are used by this bee.
This Bombus hortorum queen is actually nesting in my garden. Notice the pollen on her legs.
For more information about Bombus Hortorum visit BWARS
The best garden flowers for bees by Prof. Dave Goulson
Useful garden bumblebee ID chart by the Bumblebee Conservation Trust
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