Leafcutter bees, rarely seen by many people but ever so useful!
I designed my award-winning solitary bee nest box for numerous reasons. I found the other commercial ones turned out to be’ bee cemeteries ‘ not bee hotels, for the leaf cutters and red mason bees and my family and I had difficulty viewing what was going on. Now everybody can view what is going on inside the cavities and even the cells with red mason bees! See six different species including Leafcutters in the video and one cuckoo bee, with interesting facts below. You may be interested in a newly updated article, “Beware! Is your ‘bee hotel’ a nursery for disease and pests?“
See my new leafcutter bee attractant spray
Pollinators of our food under threat
We have all heard of honey bees, living in large numbers in their hives, bumblebees living in much smaller colonies but many people have not heard of or are aware of another group of important pollinators of our food, in particular fruits and flowers. That group is the harmless solitary bees, which themselves comprise of 3 main groups of which there are around 250 species: miners, leaf cutters and mason bees. Like bumblebees, these essential pollinators are under threat from the destruction of their habitats, pesticides and lack of forage. We were becoming increasingly dependent upon one species of pollinator, the honey bee, possibly because we also gained honey and other hive products from it as well as some crops from its pollination services. The difficulties that honey bees are currently going through should start to raise alarms. We just cannot rely upon one species alone to pollinate our food. We should begin to help the other, less well known wild species in our quest for pollination and hence food supply and food security.
Where will they nest?
This photograph was taken from one of my solitary bee nest boxes and is a larva inside its leaf cell. Next door to it in the next cell was a leafcutter assassin with video
An enormous diversity of leafcutter bees (Megachile spp.)) are ground-nesters, as are a good number of Osmia bees. For both, the nests are typically short, shallow, and sometimes branched. (pers. comm. JH). Miner bees can construct their cavities in sandy/loamy soil. Usually, leaf cutters like mason bees, like to nest in a readily made cavity. They use hollow stems, holes in walls, fence post holes and other similar cavities, providing the width was to their liking. Leafcutter bees will also nest inside containers, such a hanging baskets and plant pots, esp. M. willughbiella. I suspect that the compost is something they can easily manage as they force their way through to make cavities. The leaf cells will contain a mixture of nectar and pollen and are very fluid as you can see above. They have to be waterproof, or the liquid food would simply ooze out of the cell.
We can help them by providing cavities to nest in, and there are many solitary bees nest boxes available to buy at garden centres. Personally, I like watching these fascinating bees and have bought nest boxes, one almost 20 years old, that allows you to observe them up close, without too much disturbance to the bees. However, at the time they were probably the best available for bee observation. They do have significant drawbacks.
Moisture cannot wick away causing a fungal infection of the pollen, and the bee larva dies. Raw states ” Glass tubes are undesirable because condensation on the inside of the tube killed the occupants.”
Being completely circular and acrylic any moisture that enters on the bee or pollen wicks into the surrounding material, which in this case is the pollen. It carries a risk of fungal infection of the larval food, and thus its death, especially with Red Mason bees. The acrylic tube restricts the airflow and retains moisture. I have lost many Red Mason bees because of this. Yes, they are excellent for observations and have been in use for years. But later in the year, I did find that most of the bees were dead, killed by the dampness and mould that grew in the tubes as you can see above. I want to observe bees and their parasites. I want to increase bees numbers, not kill them! I would not use them now. The smaller the tube, the greater the infection risk and I found the same thing happened to solitary, predatory wasps. The tubes are a real pain to clean for adults and children. They made management of the bees difficult. Hence my design of nest box which I now sell! They have been a tremendous success and more importantly a success for solitary bees!
Observe with ease what is going on inside the cavities
The two most common species of leafcutter bees in the UK probably are, Megachile centuncularis (Patchwork leafcutter) and M. willughbiella. Besides leafcutter bees, mason bees and some small predatory solitary wasps (with the optional extra nesting blocks) have all used the nest boxes. The predatory wasps store living but paralysed sawflies, aphids and caterpillars inside the cavities, then lay an egg with a hearty feast awaiting the young wasp grub! The different species of solitary bees and small predatory wasps, simply do not bother with each other, all intent on supplying for their offspring only and concentrate on completing their tasks within their cavity, each of which is in effect, the nest. So you can watch a wasp stockpile the caterpillars etc., in one cavity for its young with a mason bee or leafcutter bee in the next cavity! Each separate hole is, in fact, a nest site for the particular bee or wasp species, using it. Once full, generally the females will go off in search of another nesting site, which very often is the same nest box, space allowing.

Mason and leafcutter bees can easily be observed in the transparent tubes but may die later in the year
The white polystyrene at the ends of the tubes is to stop spiders, earwigs and any other undesirable pests from entering. If a bee finds a spider inside an possible nest site, she obviously will not use it or worse she could fall victim to it if it has the web. Spiders will occupy cavities as a shelter, probably before deciding to make the web inside the cavity. Earwigs will shelter inside them and eat the pollen and stores of food intended for the bees.
Another commercially available solitary bee nesting box. This one has at least one cell fully occupied and sealed by mud, a trademark of a mason bee. Leafcutters in my garden, rarely use this type of box at all, only the red mason bees. Why is this? My research has found that without proper management, (details come with my instructions) these type of nest boxes, can also be a death trap for bees, over time when a disease can spread from the cavity or pollen mites take over each nest cavity leading to bee larvae demise or death. Drilled wooden blocks, a simple DIY attempt, is now old technology and again allows for the increase of pests and diseases inside each hole. Management of these is impossible. Bamboo tubes are cheap and cheerful, but make management difficult. Management of bees can significantly enhance the bee population.
Their life begins.
After emerging from her cocoon in which she overwintered, possibly late May or June in my garden, the female leafcutters bees feed themselves up with nectar for energy and pollen in readiness for egg laying, find a mate and then go in search of a suitably sized cavity. Depth, diameter and material will influence her choice. After selecting one, she will, like bumblebees, undertake a zig-zag orientation flight in which she is in effect, making a mental note of the entrance hole and its location memorising its exact location. Once found, if it was previously used by another bee, she will clean out the debris before the cell construction process begins.
Nest building
See my video of them nest building. using pieces of cut leaf, hence their name.
See a video of a leafcutter bee using pink rose petals to make her nest, which is a first for me. She wanted a little colour!
The whole process of nest making can take some time. They only live for a few weeks so time is of the essence. Inclement weather stops them. They have only one brood a year and never see their offspring. Time is very important to them. After mating and feeding up, she has to find a suitable cavity. Leafcutter bees select a suitably soft rose leaf, lilac, beech or willow herb leaf, starting from the outer edge and using their jaws, (mandibles) cut a semi-circular shape around the outer edge. As the leaf is about to drop she resumes flying and carries the leaf underneath her body, using her all of her front legs, tucked under her abdomen and jaws, to make it as aerodynamic as possible to give the least resistance and drag against the airflow. Ospreys carry a fish it has just caught, with the narrowest edges facing the way it is flying. She uses these pieces to line the outer walls of the cavity, making a hollow cigar shape. She uses different disc-shaped pieces of leaf to cap an individual cell within the cigar-shaped tube.
Then she stocks the cell with pollen and nectar using much more nectar than the red mason bee, tamps down the food with her abdomen, lays an egg on top of the food mound, then closes that cell using the disc-shaped pieces of leaf sealing it with a leaf/saliva mixture and starts again with the next cell. As each particular cell can take nearly 10 hours to build and provision, with an average 21 trips to construct the cell and 18 trips to provision the cell with pollen/nectar, the process can take a few weeks, particularly if the weather is bad. In essence, her life is based around a complex sequence of stereotyped behaviour: nest searching ➞ nest inspection ➞ leaf gathering ➞ pollen/nectar gathering ➞ egg laying ➞ leaf gathering ➞ leaf sealing and so on until that particular cavity is filled. She may lay 30-50 eggs if she is lucky, depending upon her finding enough cavities to fill.
I would imagine that carrying the leaf must be rather tiring for the female leafcutter as the leaf can weigh a 1/4 of her weight! Recently at Speke Hall in Speke, Liverpool, I saw this female having a breather, rather appropriately on a wooden table with two benches, one of those that we use to have a rest ourselves! There was another leaf cutter actually inspecting old nail holes in the very same bench!
I have often seen them inside their cells on cold, wet or windy days, sitting there, with their heads just near the cell entrance, awaiting better weather. As it is the actual provision of food for the cells takes most of the time, it would help if we could provide suitable flowers nearby, (as unlike honey or bumblebees, solitary bees do not forage over great distances), for them to forage on. (List with my instructions!) Whilst awaiting better weather, I have seen them, particularly during the inclement daytime weather and early evenings, prepared to defend their eggs, waiting near the entrance with their jaws open ready to repel predators. Unfortunately, when they are out foraging for food and provisions the cells are left undefended. This leaves ample time for a host of predators and parasites to enter the cells and lay their own eggs….. a topic in its own right!
Above you can see 3-4 leafcutter “cigars”! each containing provisions, lined with cut leaves and sealed with a leaf pulp. However, this female may have died as she never constructed the very last feel. This was made by an opportunistic mason bee, which you can see is totally different. She has sealed the right od her cell with mud, provisioned it with pollen upon which she has laid her egg and sealed the entrance to the whole tube with mud. Would the leafcutter bees be able to cut their way out through the mud wall with their leaf cutting mandibles?
Yes, you can view what is going on, BUT there is no oxygen exchange and no escape for moisture. I have found scores of dead bees over the years inside the tubes over the autumn and winter months. They are a devil to clean and remove viable cocoons. I needed a much easier option and one which did not kill the bees.
Both of the above cells were lucky. They were overwintered, away from predators. Unfortunately, the one below was taken by a bird, possibly a woodpecker that visits the garden looking at the damage to the front wooden cover. This certainly is a case of last in, first out!
A few little soil mounds in your lawn may well be a female mining bee or even a solitary wasp excavating a tunnel for her young. A few little chunks out of your prized roses will likely be the leafcutter bee, the bee hovering around a few holes in your wall could well be the mason bees. So next time you are enjoying your chilled glass of cider, or crunching into a juicy apple, highly likely that the apples used were pollinated by one species of bee or another. Cheers!
Have a look at the 11 species of bee, including several different species of leafcutter bee, that have used my award-winning solitary bee observation nest box.
“All my articles and videos, available free, are funded by my teaching, presentations, sales of award-winning bumblebee nest boxes, solitary bee boxes, and wormeries. Please help by spreading the word and forwarding this link to your friends and colleagues. https://nurturing-nature.co.uk Thank you” George Pilkington MSc Cert. Ed
For more information about solitary bees and wasps visit BWARS
For more bumblebee information and to help save bumblebees join the Bumblebee Conservation Trust at Stirling University
For a MS word doc info sheet about the three most commonly seen in gardens leafcutters bees from the Natural History Museum, download here (although the link states Garden Spider!)
Refs: Besides my own experiences and observations…..
Anon, (2009), ” Solitary Bees”, International Bee Research Association”, Cardiff
Mader, E et al (2010)” Managing alternative pollinators”, Natural Resource, Agriculture and Engineering Service, New York
O’Toole, C, (2000), “The red mason bee, taking the sting out of bee keeping”, Osmia publication, Banbury
Pers. comm JH James H. Cane , USDA-ARS Pollinating Insect Research Unit Utah State University, Logan.
Raw, A (1998) “Nesting biology of the leaf-cutter bee Megachile centuncularis (L.) (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) in Britain”.
ENTOMOLOGIST. Vol. 107, no. 1, pp. 52-56. 1988.
Raw, A (1972) “The biology of the solitary bee Osmia rufa”, Trans. R. ent. Soc. Lond. 124 (3), pp. 213-229, I fig. 1972
Thanks for photo of damaged rose from Neil Bromhall an interesting web site…. www.rightplants4me.co.uk
Hi George. Read all the above with considerable interest and whilst writing this our leaf cutters are still very busy in the box, amazing!! Please keep me informed regarding the bumble bees. Kind regards Marian.
Hi Marian, I will keep u posted re bumblebees and when i get some time have quite a lot to write re solitary bees! Wish mine were still active ! Cheers George
Hello, I noticed a swarm of small bees going in and out of a disused bird box…any idea what these are and are they harmless? Should we leave them alone?
Hi Mary, I suspect, that it may be B. hypnorum or tree bumblebees and it may therefore be males performing their drone dance. Please go to….
https://nurturing-nature.co.uk/wildlife-garden-videos/tree-bumblebee-b-hypnorum-and-the-dancing-drones-video/ and read the comments. Cheers George
Hello, whilst in the garden yesterday I heard a very distinct clicking noise near the birdfeeders, and on closer inspection saw it was some kind of wasp or bee? Cutting a semi circle from a leaf, the thing is it was more wasp-like in colour than in your pictures, could it be other than a leaf cutter bee? Thanks for any reply
Hi Richard there is more than one leaf cutter bee. Go to Bwars site and type In megachile to see them. Cheers George
My daughter and I have just spent a fascinating hour watching a leaf cutter bee making nests in the small round screw sink holes underneath our garden bench! After she had left to cut another leaf we quickly overturned the bench to find two cells already plugged. M daughter filmed it so she can take it to show her class as they are currently learning all about bees. Lovely to see.
What a great little story for a potentially budding wildlife film maker! Thanks for sharing that! Cheers George
We also have what I believe to be a bumble bee nest in a cool corner of our garden which contains our wood store, and is covered with tall trees. I can’t see exactly where they have nested but we have seen, and heard the slow quiet drone, of bees busily coming and going for days to the one spot. We feel proud that they have chosen our garden in which to make their home. My daughter used to be frightened of them but now loves watching them go about their business, oblivious to us.
Another happy story, for several reasons. You feel proud to have been selected by a queen to nest in YOUR garden, your positive attitude to bees and great to hear your daughter now loves watching them. I had 3 daughters myself and they did likewise!! Thanks, George
Hi just been reading your article i know it from 2014 i have a leaf cutter bee nest in my Garden there is around 4 to 5 bees nesting very fascinating to watch with my 11 yr old they work so hard .
That’s why I designed my award-winning bee boxes so people can watch the bees at work through the windows Collette. Cheers George
I have just noticed what I believe to be a leaf cutter bee flying in and out of a cavity within one of my pots of lavender. At first I was puzzled and then I decided to have a look online and found this article. Nature is fascinating!!!!
It is Sonia, its why I find the time to keep writing my articles.The more I learn, the more I share 🙂 Cheers, George
Hi, have just found your site whilst looking for information on leaf cutter bees. We have just discovered several making nests in plant pots in my mother’s small greenhouse. As it is a confined area would it be safe to remove the plant pots from the greenhouse or would this agitate the bees enough for them to sting. She doesn’t feel very comfortable leaving them in there and would like them to be removed. Any ideas or information greatly appreciated, thanks.
Tell your mum she is very lucky to have leaf cutters in her green house. They will be out in her garden pollinating all kinds of fruit, vegetables and flowers enriching her life and her neighbours. These harmless bees do not make honey like honey bees who will use their sting to defend their food. Leaf cutters bees do not do this.I have taught many 100’s children over the years about leaf cutter bees and have turn a misconceive fear of them ( usually due to parents fears!) into admiration of them., Cigar bees as they are known to the kids! I would leave them exactly where they are and enjoy them whilst she can, they will be dead soon leaving next years generation in their leaf cigars! Please get back to me and I will advice further.
Hi There, I have a generous allotment and I try to be as wildlife friendly as possible. Last year I treated myself to one the wooden solitary bee boxes (the same as in your picture) and have been checking it regularly for any action. Today I checked and notice what looked like fine sawdust debris, on closer inspection two of the top holes appeared to be occupied, I looked again later in the day and noticed that one of the holes had just been lined with a leaf, does that mean it is a leafcutter? As I noticed in your right up they did not appear to nest in yours.
Hi Sue, Yes it appears you may have leaf cutters and yes they do use my nest boxes!! see then here….
and also to appear in my new video soon!
I am so happy to have found your site. I’d noticed a solitary bee entering and exiting my greenhouse carrying leaves when entering and had found one of my plants to ‘rest’ on, but on closer inspection found it had burrowed into the soil. I knew I needed more information and came across this site. Thank you for the insight you’ve given your readers and thank you in helping me understand these wonderful little creatures
My pleasure Dawn. Cheers George
Great website. Thank you. I have been watching a couple of leaf cutter bees that have been busy making their nests in one of last years hanging baskets that I haven’t re planted this year. I just have a couple of worries. If it rains will it wash the nest away? and also the basket is situated just above my gas barbecue, will the smoke harm the bees. I’d hate to do them any damage. They are such a pleasure to watch.
Hi Paula, thanks a for your comments. Hm, drown your bees or smoke them? 🙂
The leaf pieces they put together would allow rain, or damp to enter the cells. I would see if you could put some kind of waterproof roof over the basket as a precaution. If possible delay your BBQ for a short while it will not bee long before the females die and their offspring can then be moved to a better mouse proof location. Hth cheers George
Thanks George
I’m quite happy to do what you suggested. How will I know when it’s safe to move the basket?
When you no longer see the leaf cutter bees. Beware the mice and monodontomerus wasps though, a video is one my web site. Hth cheers, George
Thanks again, mice not a problem, can you suggest any deterrents for the monodontomerus wasps. I did watch your video. Sorry to keep asking, but I kind of feel responsible for these lovely bees. Used to be terrified of bees/wasps as I stood in a wasps nest as a child!! Still not got over my fear of wasps though!
Hi Paula, I will email you. Cheers George
Hi George,I noticed they 3 of my large roses, which I grow in pots, have been severely attacked by what I now know is the leaf cutter bee.I also found a large amount of the cuttings burried in another pot of summer bedding plants,, I was just about to treat the whole lot with a pesticide but decided out of curiosity to look up the problem online,,, I am so glad I did. Thank you for the information, I will not be spraying now, as I too realise the benefits of bees, as I have fruit trees in pots as well, I am an elderly gardener, and live in a small bungalow with no garden so grow everything in pots, thanks again for the educating information,, Rose
Good for you Rose. Glad you thought before you did!! Enjoy your bee pollinated fruit! Thanks for your comments too! Cheers, George
My bees made 5 nests, but this morning one looks disturbed and the others have moved from being sealed from the mouth of the tube to half way down it, what’s happening
I assume you mean leaf cutter bees? There are rather scruffy nest makers. I have found that sometimes they simply leave pieces of leaf scattered inside a cavity. They may do this to store them whilst they feed and come back. The do get eaten and they do die before completion. Fingers crossed they will return. Cheers George
Hi not sure if this is still a visited site ….. However I have just brought a small narrow boat, and am in process of painting etc and have noticed a leaf cutter entering the rail that runs the length of the boat. Have read this article with great interest. I had planned to turn the boat around, however I may wait a few weeks to give her a chanceto finish her work!! 🙂
What a lovely gesture! It will not bee that long before she dies 🙁 thanks for letting me know. George
hi, just been watching leaf cutter bees in my garden going in and out of my hanging flower bag,i can’t wait to have a look later in the year,
We also have some type of bee in our roof under the tiles I feel so lucky ,am a complete bee addict.
Probably tree bumblebees under roof tiles. Will bee! All dead soon 🙁 cheers George
We have just discovered leaf cutter bees in the holes underneath our favourite bench seat. We were puzzled as to why they were buzzing round our knees as we sat there and so we investigated. I now intend to construct a bee house from sawn lengths of garden cane and hope to persuade them that this might be a better option for them. (Not quite sure how we will do this!) Thanks for a very interesting and informative article.
Hi Hilary, Nice story and thanks for your comments. Although they are harmless and them buzzing around your knees is interesting, continually nesting in the same cavity will eventually lead to them being unsuccesful there. Difficult one for you… wait until late spring next year and check them out, block the holes to stop them using before they start again up then offer your alternative homes! Cheers, George
Thanks for the advice. the new bee house is in place under the seat, so it should be easy for them to find and check out. So far they seem to prefer the screw holes in the seat. I think we can live with that!
how long does it take for leaf cutter bees to emerge from their pod? I don’t want to disturb them unless I have to.
Hopefully late spring/early summer next year !! Cheers George
that long, thanks.
Thats nature!! Cheers, George
We had tree bees in a bird nest box April to June is it okay to empty the box in the autumn and could they return next year. As much as I enjoyed having the bees I also want birds what do you suggest?
Yes OK to empty the box, likely you will have wax moths inside it….
Either way completely clean out the nest box, put nest onto compost heap or bury it to decompose. Difficult to stop bees seeking out a place to nest…. Cheers, George
Hi George, I have a leaf cutter bee making a nest in my greenhouse. It is in a pot of parsley and the bee is going in through a drainage hole in the bottom, lovely to watch. Should I stop watering altogether and will the nest survive over winter in a very cold greenhouse. Thank you. Maureen.
will email you Maureen. G
Thank you George. I will do that.
Hi, I came across this website whilst seeking info on what I thought were bumble bees carrying leaf pieces as they flew. One was seen entering the drainage hole of a suspended planted pot. How will I water the plant? I do not want to upset or harm the bees. Could I feed the plant by spraying the leaves with plant food when the bees are not around?
Hi Daphne, If possible could you get me a photograph please….of the bee preferably with a leaf!! Thanks, George
Daphne, done some research and contacted a solitary bee expert. It’s fine to water the cells, they are waterproof!! Hth cheers, George
Hi, I managed to take a photo yesterday of one of the bees as it rested on the shed wall, with a leaf on tow! It was a very hot day and the poor thing must have been tired as it rested there for quite a while. Sent the picture by email to website. Hope you receive it.
Hiya, thanks for the info! I’ve got a small disused planter in my garden, it’s a bit weedy but I didn’t want to throw it out as it was in a nice watering can shape hehe, anyway, I’d noticed bees going inside the planter, looked like they’d made holes in the earth in there, and there always seemed to be bees going in with bits of leaves, so I’m guessing these were leafcutter bees! They seem to have left now, but I did have a sneaky peek inside and there were many leaf ‘cigars’. These have bees waiting to hatch? How long dos it take? Will it be next spring when they emerge?
Hi Heather, yes hopefully have bee larva inside and yes hopefully you will have adult bees late spring! If you can take a photo of the cells inside the planter and if it is suitable I may put in the the page. Thanks for sharing, Cheers, George
I brought a bee house last year which was just a frame with bamboo tubes in it, it was very inexpensive but was the best money I’ve ever spent. I was lucky enough to have leaf cutter bees in it the first year, they filled all of the tubes and all but one hatched out. I,ve got two houses this year and my leaf cutter bee,s are busy filling the tubes, I,ve even got a couple of tubes filled by a maysonary bee. They are an absolute joy for me to have in the garden and even find the holes in my rose leaves really quite charming. I would recommend buying a bee house to anyone that loves nature. 🙂
Absolutely right although I am against tubes and the like as per my article and previous experiences! Thanks for sharing, George
Thanks for this information. I have a couple of the solitary bee homes in my garden, which have bamboo stems for the bees to make nests. A few years ago I saw mason bees flying in and out, and this year some of the tubes have been filled with leaves, and I have seen bees flying in with their leaf building material. It would be good to know what should be done at the end of the season. Will this year’s bees leave the tubes in a condition to be used again? Should I replace them with new baboo? Should I clean them out?
Hi Ian,I am against bamboo canes and the like as per my article. The leaves is turn brown and not used again. The soft green leaves are more amenable to being manipulated and chewed by the bee. Yo have to split the canes open and clean the cocoons out. I will email you! Thanks for sharing, George
Hi, I have a leaf cutter bee living in a plant pot on my garden table. Its only a shallow tray and I’m concerned that the nest could be drowned when we next have heavy rains. I’ve seen above comments about covering the nest over to prevent this. Can I move the pot or should I cover it where it is, on the table? I don’t want to confuse the bee by moving it’s home. Many thanks, Fiona
Hi Fiona, yes put a cover over it to keep it dry and allow bee to carry on for the remaining life it has. Hth George
Hi, I noticed that you ‘over-wintered’ a couple of cells. I have some cells from a home made nest box that was damaged – how can I over-winter these so that they still hatch in the spring?
Hi Morgan,
Can you email me please. Thanks, George
Hi, I have been keeping red mason need a number of years now, however this year done of my tubes are full of the paper cigars you’ve described. I know what I should do with the mason bees but what is the best thing to do with the leaf cutter bees, extract the cocoons or just place the tunes back in the best and let them fend for themselves?
Any help appreciated
Hi Colin, remove the out leaves and store them separately from your red masons away from mice. If you want to email me re how you deal with red masons I may be able to add something. Cheers George
I am hoping you can help me, I have a combined ladybird & solitary bee box. The ladybird box is a the bottom & makes up the majority box, the bee section is at the top directly under the box roof. The tubes are bamboo which I (now) know is not the best so I will try to change it. However my question is do I need to clean out the tubes? I think I have Mason bees because the tubes look filled with dirt rather than leaves, will the new bees push this out when they leave the box or will I need to clean the tubes ready for the next occupants? Thanks Helen
Hi Helen, I will email you. Cheers, George
Last autumn I had the privaledge of watching a leaf cutter bee make a ‘nest’ in a disused stone cat
garden water feature tube. When finished she sealed the entrance with the last circle of leaf. This is still in place and fingers crossed a new leaf cutter bee will come out live and kicking so to speak.
Denise, nature always amazes me! the starkest of place to let your offspring survive1 thanks for sharing. Cheers, George
Hi there,
last summer, to my delight, a leaf cutter bee decided to make it home in our plant pot which it accessed through a hole in the bottom of the pot. Recently we have been seeing a bee flying around near that same pot. So I was wondering what the likelihood is that this bee is another solitary bee? Do you think it may make itself a home in the same pot from last year? I only ask this as I would like to try and provide the best environment for the bee as it was such a wonderful experience last year watching this bee build her (or his I’m not really sure) home. I even managed to capture them on video which was lovely.
Hope this all makes sense. Thanks for taking the time.
Kind regards
Hi Courtney, if you live in the UK, highly unlikely to be a leaf cutter bee, a few mining bees and a few red mason bees are around now.Leaf cutters are early summer not spring bees. I could suggest a good leaf cutter bee home……!!!! Cheers, George
hi George we have beecutters for last 2 years.dowe need to clear the holes in cain tubes . or just leave them thanks
Hi Jean, Clean them out, leave them in their ‘cigars; and buy new bamboo canes.Cheers, George
Hi George,
I just purchased my first leaf cutter ‘home’ complete with bees in a box, isn’t that something! So my first question is how long until the bees emerge from their little bed and go to work? Secondly, living in British Columbia, how am I storing the little cigars over the winter, and what box is ever going to be mouse proof? I do not have a garage or shed, but do have a carport that is open on one large side all winter. Thanks for such a great site, loads of info!!
Hi Jill, Thats great!! Mice will get into many different boxes so mine are very thick plastic, with an air tight lid, with a small air hole in it covered with a metal mesh. My experiences are UK based. I expect your bees came with instructions? If not you should ask your supplier for instructions, which all my customers receive, they will be best able to advice you of looking after the bees in BC.You are now a wild bee keeper and at the start of a very rewarding, interesting and fulfilling journey.They will be happy to advice you I’m sure. Good Luck, Thanks for sharing, George
I have for about five years now been getting leaf cutter bees nesting in a space in my flat roof I have read that they are solitary but I have seen at least five bees all using the same entrance point sometimes queuing to get in they are definitely leaf cutters always returning with a piece of leaf tucked below their abdomens do they only last a year and are they new bees every season unfortunately I have to replace the roof soon and really don’t want to disturb them so if they only last one year i would like to time the roof replacement for when they are no longer there if they hibernate hopefully I can move them into another nest site any advice please
Hi Gary, they are solitary but will share an entrance to a cavity where several may be nesting. They do not live very long perhaps 2-3 weeks. Their offspring will remain in the nest site till next this time next year, so if you are careful, you may be able to find them when you repair the roof and place them in a more suitable location. Cheers, George
thanks for all the info on leaf cutting bees – I have noticed some entering the holes near the bottom of several plant pots in my greenhouse recently and wondered what was going on. I will leave them to complete their nests. Incidentally there seem to be far more bees around this year, particularly black bees.
Lucky you, my solitary bees are the worst in over 20 years… they are using the medium in the plant pots for their nests… which hopefully will be successful for next years generation. Thanks, For sharing, George
I opened two of my wooden bee boxes as I hadn’t seen anything hatch all the bees are dead and gone to dust there must have been about two hundred has any one else come across this ?? barbara
Hi Barbara, send me some photos please very hard to say without1 Thanks, George
Thank you for this information! I (like so many others who have commented here) noticed some bees flying in and out of our lavender plant pots last week carrying bits of leaves and I was fascinated watching them so looked online to identify them and found your site. We try and plant lots bee friendly wild flowers in our garden (and they adore the lavender) so it’s nice to know that some of them have made our garden their home.
Hi Joanne, it can be rather interesting and later can be addictive watching these busy bees. Providing food and now a home for them allows you to observe this interesting solitary bee at close quarters. Thanks for sharing. Cheers, George
Can you reuse the boxes once the bees have gone?
Which boxes Maureen, the ones I sell or other peoples? I give full instructions on how to clean my solitary bees and bumblebees nest boxes. I don’t know about other suppliers. Get back to me if you want more information. Cheers, George
Hello George, we have just watched a leaf cutter bee making its nest in our stone planter. It’s nest is in exactly the same spot as a nest made two years ago, although since then the planters has had all the soil and plants renewed. It can’t be the same bee, so is it the grand daughter bee ? Do they return to their birthplace like swallows ? We love them ! Thank you for this great site with lots of good information.
Hi Lynda, yes they will return to their old nest site, so it’s a good possibility!! Thanks, George
Hi there, in need of some advice re a new leaf cutter in my garden.
She seems to be making her nest inside a growbag I have for some tomato plants.
I was just wondering if I should move the growbag to the end of the garden ( not far, literally 6 feet away ) or just remove all the other veggie pots that I’m growing around the growbag, to move them away so she’s not disturbed.
Also, can I keep watering the toms? I can leave the one on the end that she is in no problem. I’m just thrilled that I’ve got bees!
Any advice gratefully accepted.
Hi Jo,
It never ceases to amaze me where these bees nest! Best leave it where she is nesting as very likely she will not find it if moved. Keep watering the plants, perhaps less volume but more frequently!!! Good luck!Cheers, George
Thanks George, I’ve already decided to just carry on as normal so as not to confuse or disturb her. Any idea how many eggs she’s likely to lay? Will they just fly off never to return? Or is there some specific attraction to my garden? (its nothing special). I’m hoping they hang around for a bit 🙂
I have several leaf cutter bees nesting in the cavity of the brick wall of my pond. I need to replace the copings on the wall but don’t want to disturb the bees. When would be the best time to work on the wall without disturbing the bees or is it possible to move them and if so how and when would be the best time to do this. I don’t want to destroy the bees. Any advice would be very much appreciated. Thanks.
Hi Janet, I would leave them till you no longer see them using the nest site. Then if if you want to work go ahead but do not fill in the holes that the bees were using! The resulting larvae are very delicate and are best left in situ so do not move them. HTH Cheers, George
Hi George, what an interesting web site. It told me so much more than I wanted to know! I was sitting in my small walled garden on a nice day last year when I saw what I thought was a bee wearing a green skirt disappear in a group of miniature succulents growing in a small round 5″ diameter ceramic pot. Having caught my attention I then saw it on several more occasions when I was having a coffee in the garden. I thought it might be a leaf cutter bee which was confirmed when I discovered some circular pieces cut out from the leaves of nearby rose shrubs. I think there might be more than one bee nesting in the pot and I am pleased to see that they are still popping in and out this year. Obviously the pot is being treated with utmost respect. Fascinating. Gill
Great stuff Gill. A bee wearing a green skirt!! I love that description! Enjoy your coffee and thanks for sharing! Cheers, George
Hi while taking a plant out of a pot, I’ve found the soil to be full of leaf cutter larvae in their cells. I don’t want them to die, but I don’t know if there is a way I can rescue them – by reburying them or similar. Any advice would be much appreciated! Thanks
Hi Tate, they can be kept alive if they are still inside their cells. I will email you. Cheers George
Hi George. I have a Leaf Cutter bee’s nest, in my garden. It’s in the brick work under my Window Sill. She is gathering her petals and leaves and taking them into the hole. My concern is how many eggs will she lay and how will I know when they hatch so I can seal the hole up. I was told 6-8 eggs, but having read numerous sites it can be up to 25-40 eggs at one time. ? I was also told spring is when they hatch. I can not see the actual nest just the location of were the bee is going. So cant really see for myself if and when they hatch at all. Any advice. ? Kind regards.
Hi Karen, its difficult to say how many eggs a particular female will lay in one cavity. There are many factors that can effect this. Early summer next year and wait till you see the external leaf seal breached, then wait a while as males emerge first followed by females. Why would you want to seal the hole up preventing these harmless valuable bees? Cheers George
I planted a rose bush this year in our shared garden and whilst hanging washing out one afternoon last week I noticed a bee hovering around the rose plant. I wondered why it would be doing this as there are no flowers on it; the bee then started flying towards where I was stood and I noticed something odd sticking out at the back under it as it got closer I realised it was a piece of leaf at this point the bee and leaf piece disappeared into a small round hole in the mortar of our very old wall. I checked the plant out after this and realised that all the new leaves have lots of pieces cut out of them. A much keener gardening friend called later that day and was also bemused about a bee that cuts pieces of leaves out. Since then of course I have learnt why, I guess we could be buying more roses for next year!
Hi Sharon, the rose will recover! Thanks for sharing, George
Do you know if the leaf cutter bee is good at pollinating elderberry bushes.
Thanks, Rex
Off the top of my head Im unsure. Here in the UK, I know hoverflies and other insects do….If you find out, let me know please. Cheers, George
Im thinking of making a leaf cutters home out of doweling, what diameter would you suggest and what size holle should I drill.
I’d buy one Geoff! Saves you the trouble. Cheers, George.
Hi there, I’m after some advice please.
Today, while gardening at my very elderly mother in laws place we noticed a leaf cutting bee, busy making a nest in a small crack in the wood of her balcony! It is directly underneath the door to her lounge and where she sits when the sun is shining. Whilst realising that these bees are great for the garden and should be nurtured, we really can’t allow it to nest here. Does anyone know what we can do to get it to move out and prevent it coming back.
Any advice greatly appreciated. Thank You
Hi Sarah, These bees are completely safe around humans. Why can’t they simply stay where they are.Why exactly cant you allow it to nest there? It will not be that long before this leafcutter is dead and her offspring safe inside the cavity….Cheers, George
After the bee has completed her task of laying her eggs, when will the young bees ‘fly the nest’? Bees have nested in my succulent display outside back door and I would like to enter this display in our local horticultural society competition on Saturday. Obviously I don’t want the young bees to emerge in the village hall!
Hi Lee, I’m assuming you mean leaf cutter bees? Leave them in situ, they will not emerge until possibly June next year. HTH, Cheers, G
I have watched a bee today plugging a hole in our wall next to the back door. I was initially worried there could be a nest inside but then after reading through your site I have realised this will not be the case and I now know it was a leaf cutter bee. Just wanted to check that there was no risk of them burrowing deeper into the house. I never knew bees did this so it was interesting to watch.
Hi Emma, They use existing holes in walls often made by man, such as nail holes, missed sections of mortar between bricks, etc. Leave them bee!!! You are helping our little friends! Cheers, George
We found a leaf cutter bees nest in parasol as we put parasol up, it fell out on to table, so is not attached to anything anymore, what is the best thing to do with the nest? Please help as left on table open to all elements of weather will not hatch. Thank you
Zoey, if you have a cigar type role leaves, there will be individual cells inside with hopefully bee larvae. Put them inside a container in a shed, outbuilding in the warm not direct sunlight. Cheers, george
Thank you very much yes there is a cigar shaped tube, we wrapped it in an old cloth and put it in greenhouse but out of direct sunlight. Will it be alright in the cloth or do we need to put it in a container? Thanks again Zoey
Zoey, the container has to be mouse and parasitoid proof. See
Cheers, George
Hi George thank you for such an easy to understand guide, I have a bee box in my garden which is now half full, I have even seen a bee carry a leaf into the handle of my wheelie bin a joy to observe
Dave M
Why Dave, thanks so much for your comments and taking the time to comment on my web site. When I get a little time I will be updating that page. Thanks, George
Hi and thank you for this great site. I was in the garden today refreshing some hanging baskets when I hard a really loud buzzing only to find a large bee that I had disturbed when up rooting an old plant. I had no idea that bees actually burrowed into the ground so I was so happy to find this site. Now I’m so upset that I’ve disturbed her and I can’t find her now. I put her on my fuscias which were freshly potted in compost and when I’d finished she had gone. I have lots of lovely flowers near by that the bees visit daily. Do you think she will be ok and if she had young etc will they survive or will I of killed them now. Sorry to go on, I’m just gutted I’ve damaged her nest. I’ll never do that again. Also where do you sell your nest boxes please.
Hi Clare, thanks for your comments. It’s highly likely a hibernating queen bumblebee was disturbed, they do often use hanging baskets. She will feed up and find another hibernation site so she will come to no harm at all by your unplanned eviction!! The nest boxes are sold on this very web site. HTH, cheers, George
Hi, Am 73, lived around the world but now settled in UK. Always a keen gardener; have good size garden at our cottage and I also work as a volunteer Gardener at Lincoln Cathedralube Hive Secret Garden. I wish to install several solitary Bee sites around the Cathedral garden, which I shall mke myself but have a few basic questions:
1. When best to site the Mason Bee Hives?
2. Is it best to remove the cacoons and store in warmth,if so when?
3. What time of year would be clean the tubed hive?
Kind regards, Freddy
Hi Freddy, 1.March. 2. Store them in cool place. 3.Now for red masons. HTH, Cheers, George
I have an insect hotel in my garden in Catford, London, which has been used by leaf cutter bees, this morning I found a leaf cutter bee larvae Cocoon, hanging out of it, so I’ve pushed it back in and closed the hole with a piece of leaf.
Will the bee larvae be OK???
Regards Keven Law.
Probably a bird, e.g. woodpecker. At the very least put the nest box out of harms way in an outdoor shed garden etc.Cheers, george
Hi George, I loved your article which I read while watching a leaf cutter bee at work in Australia. You mentioned disease management, often due to moisture retention was a problem with man made nests. The lady I was watching may have provided a solution. She has built her nest in a tube of my wind chime on a covered balcony. It’s open ended with two holes at the top for the string. Maybe you could adapt that arrangement with clear tubes hanging vertically and a cover for rain protection. Her idea, not mine, clever girl. Cheers Liia.
Music whilst you work! How clever of her Liia! Thanks for sharing, George
I have leaf cutter bees living in my front porch that is brick. They made holes and the groups are getting bigger. They have been there for at least three seasons. I don’t want them to die by getting an exterminator. I just want them out because I’m redoing my porch and need them gone before they do any work. HELP PLEASE Andrea S
Hi Andrea, I don’t know where you live, but generally leafcutter bees emerge from their cells early summer. If you waited till then before you carried out any work then they would have to find somewhere else to nest. I suspect its unlikely you can remove the cocoons? If you could then you could keep them somewhere inside a shed and wait till summer, keeping them free from mice.Cheers, George
My husband and I are very lucky to have leaf cutting bees that return each year I have a plant in the garden which they love and return to fascinate us with there leaf ripping. They often take a break on the table with the newly cut leaf for a short break.
I will try and get videos pictures this year as there is often five to ten busily at it around July August time. They are no bother and don’t hazzeal us .
Love to know what the plant is though it looks like a rose bush but never has flower also attract huge amount of caterpillars
Lovely story Mandy. They will use roses, hopefully you will find out the plant and let me know pls. Thanks for sharing, George
Please can you offer me some advice quickly! On returning from holiday I found that either solitary bees or some other bees have started nesting in the recently excavated soil ready for a new patio to be laid!!! I know they are not honey bees as we had bee hives in our garden for a couple of years! I’m desperate not to harm them or let the men block their entrance but the work has to be done soon! Is there any way of ‘coaxing ‘ them to another nesting site?
Thank you. Lynda
Hi Linda, Difficult one. I assume that the earth is bare and about to be covered?If can offer them an alternative patch of bare ground similar to what they are using now? Thats al I can think of and lay something over where they are nesting now if it is to be covered/paved anyway…. Cheers George
A few weeks ago I noticed one or two bees flying about near the top of our house. I didn’t think much about it until, about 3 weeks ago I happened to notice a bee going into the overflow pipe close to the top of the house. Now I can see that the pipe is bunged up. Could this be a leafcutter. Most comments on here seem to indicate that this bee works closer to ground level.
My concern is, will the pipe remain bunged up and, if not, when when it be cleared again.
I just hope I don’t have any problems with the water tank overflowing in the loft!!
Depending upon where you live, I suspect it will not be leafcutters but tree bumblebees. The overflow pipe may be blocked with pollen/debris from them. Unless it was used as an entrance/exit I would leave it a while and later in the season when activity has finished, clean it out. Cheers, George
Thank you. We live 9 miles east of Manchester UK, not far from the Pennines. Does this make a difference as to the type of bee?
Difficult call that one Barry, though if you look on my site you will see male tree bumblebees dancing, which is what I think you may have. Cheers, G
Hi George, today I have by accident uncovered on of the bee’s nests in my flower pot when re-planting, i have put the leaf packet made by the bee to another place nearby but some leaves escaped though. And now I am worried they bees won’t survive. I did not squash the packet, but maybe I should have added some more leaves around it? Any advice?
I found your website and description of the bees, does seem to be a leaf cutter bee.
If you have the complete “cigar” it will have several fully formed bee cells inside. You have to handle them very gently so as not to dislodge the egg or larva from the pollen heap. Put them in a mouse proof container with air holes covered in a fine mesh or even a container covered in a pair of tights to stop parasitoid wasps. Keep them warm but not in direct sunlight. HTH George
Thank you for your reply, George. will do my best to protect them 🙂
Hi, my little boy was given a wooden bee hotel for his birthday, and we have been really lucky as a Peachtree has moved straight in. At the moment she seems to be filling each tube with leaves and laying her eggs. My question is, what is the best course of action once she dies and leaves the eggs to grow and hatch. The house is combination of bamboo tubes and small wooden logs with holes drilled in, and she has mainly used to wooden holes. Should I leave it where it is, or move it to the shed over winter. I could possibly remove the tubes and wood to store these better, but what would you suggest in terms of container. I know you said parasite and mouse proof, but what type of container would be best? Thanks in advance. Janey.
Move it, but keep it in warm place, and protect from parasitoid wasps or you could just leave it. HTH G
Hi on reading your piece on leaf cutter eyes can you tell me if you disturb her nest will she return to it I stupidly refilled a potted plant on my table and it wasn’t till after I read your piece that I realised I’ve dug out the compost I put in and found one cell and some leaf circles I’ve put them back at the bottom of the pot after making a hole with my finger will she return to her nest or have I killed her babies if there was more than one that I didn’t see
Kind regards
Difficult one that Lynn. If they are dead very unlikely she will return. At least you know where they may nest next time! Cheers, George
Thanks for your reply don’t think it/they were dead the one I put back in the pot has since gone possibly removed to a safe nest as she did return to the pot a few times while I was watching but it is now vacant I’ll be more vigilant next time and I’m putting some dead cuttings aside to make a natural nesting area for future use for them hope I’m lucky enough to have them return to my garden will be watching out for them now thanks again for your reply
My pleasure Lynn. Cheers, George
Hi George,
Thanks for educating me about these lovely bees. I have been watching them start to use my insect house and bring in leaves. Fascinating and nature at it’s best.
My pleasure Dawn. Keep returning to my web site for more information or subscribe to the newsletter. Thanks, George
Great site! I put a box up in our garden a few weeks ago just out of curiosity after seeing them at a garden centre. Just in the last 10 days or so it’s started to be used by leaf cutter bees and now has 3 of the tubes occupied with 4 to 6 cells in each.
Best regards
Thanks Andy. Welcome to the wild bee keepers club!! Cheers, George
Hello, I seem to have nesting leaf cutters in most of my bamboo conservatory blinds. Is there any advice please?
Hi Angie,
Send me a decent photo please Then I may be able to advise! Thanks George
I was wondering if anyone can help. I was re-potting some plants and I came across what I now know to be 4 leaf cutter bee cells in the soil under the plant. Unfortunately at the time I didn’t know what they were and opened one up to find the lava inside!
I then quickly put them back in the soil in a pot of their own and found this site.
Please advise what to do with the remaining cells. Will they be okay in a pot of soil? Unfortunately now the mother won’t know where they are or where to return.
Yes Victoria you could keep them in what you suggested but keep it away from mice and put out next spring. HTH, George
Thanks for your reply.
Do you suggest I bring the pot indoors? Also, will it be next summer that the bees emerge?
Thanks very much for your help George
If they are leafcutter bees Victoria, the will appear late spring/early summer. You could keep the pot outdoors for now and bring it into a cool area for the winter, not inside where it may be too warm. HTH, Cheers, George
Leaf cutter bee is nesting in the folded part (tunnel shape) created by the local ‘Property’ newspaper…in my conservatory. I am gradually moving said paper, on a table, to a quiet part of the room. I’ll leave windows open. Have noticed that the bee quarters the room checking ‘landmarks’ when it adds more cuttings. None of this is helped by the outside being re-painted, but the bee is still nesting after a week of disruption…just hope it survives the grandchildren! How long will I have to protect it?
The leafcutter will may continue to build cells until the area is full, depending upon may factors. Once you stop seeing the bee, send me a photo of the rolled up newspaper and open it with cells inside, then contact me again. HTH, George
Hi there.
We have bees box put up2 years ago. So far this year there are 17 cells filled which is great. What seems odd is there are two different types of bee using it. The normal one but the other is meet slim with a pointed rear end.
Hi Paula, Unsure what you mean by normal one! Try this page….
https://www.flickr.com/photos/63075200@N07/collections/72157631518508520/. Cheers, george
We bought an insect box which we have had a fair amount of success with mason bees and leafcutters. The mason ones are still in tact but the leaf cutters have disintegrated. Do they have predetors?
Many predators that eat them as adults and whilst inside their cells….. Cheers, George
Indeed they do, adults, eggs and larvae. Cheers, George
Do leaf cutters return to breed in the same place each year? We have a wooden garden table with holes on the underside of it, for the screws, which leaf cutters have been using to make their nests for several years. Last October we moved from South West Londn to Norfolk and today we spotted a leaf cutter going under the table to the holes. We were wondering if it’s a new leaf cutter that has stumbled upon these holes or if this leaf cutter has come up with us last year and is returning to breed where it was born?
Depends upon when you moved….if you moved before the bees left your table then its a new one, if you moved before they left then its likely one of them. HTH, George
Have just discovered a leaf cutter bee building in a hole in a wooden post. I can see the layers of leaf in the entrance. Beautiful. Thank you for your site. Very informative
My pleasure Sally! Cheers, George 🙂
Hi, sitting outside eating our evening meal when a bee carrying a leaf disappeared into the folded up parasol which has a thick breathable cover on it. I don’t want to disturb the bee but when will I be able to use the parasol again ?. Loved reading your information 😁
Oh dear. Don’t they use inconvenient places to make their brood cells! Thats a tough call Carol! If you open it, you will likely disturb the cells. Best leave it a while until you stop seeing her then open it up and move the cigar shaped package you may find to somewhere safe. You may just have to wear a handkerchief in the meantime 🙂 Thanks for sharing, George
Hello, I am wondering if you could help please, I think I have a honey cutter bee disappearing in our outside chair leg, if so, do I just leave her…? Thank you x
Hi Tina, yes just leave her bee!! Cheers George
Hi I have just read your website, we have put up a bug house a week ago with tubes in it , and I think we have leaf cutting bees , most of the tubes are blocked by leaf cuttings only the tiny ones left .
Great. Keep an eye on them..thanks for Sharing, George
Hi have just seen your website which has been really interesting, we have been watching what we thought was a leaf cutter bee but is possibly a solitary bee make numerous trips to one of our plant pots carrying bits of leaf. It seems to be making lots of different entrances and we now understand what she is doing !!! My question is how can we protect the eggs / larvae over the coming months from rain etc and will they be safe if I continue to water my plants alongside?
There is so much work involved we are keen to assist them in any way we can ! Thank you 😊
They will be fine, water with a fine rose during the day when she is out….Thanks for sharing, George
Hi, we have a busy leaf cutter bee busy building a tubular nest in our summer house roof. Should I leave her bee? 😉
I’m worried about a few things
– will she cope if we close the door for the evening or longer periods of time?
– will they last the winter if it is left shut or indeed periods of hot weather with the door left shut?
-will there be lots of bees born in the spring and if so will they go somewhere else – Family somewhat worried but enjoying watching the building process
-should we just try and move them to a better location?
Hi Nicola, leave them bee. Early summer next year they will emerge in 2 phases, males then females. Once the females have emerged it will be a while until they nest then would be the right time to block up the holes their mothers entered to stop others nesting there. You may wish to consider giving them a better site to nest!! They are completely harmless. Cheers, George
Dear George,
Whist watering my garden the other evening,i noticed,out of the corner of my eye,an insect land on the outside of my kitchen window.A large amount of green caught my attention,so i had a closer look & realised it was a smallish bee carrying a piece of leaf.I immediately knew what it was,a leafcutter bee,(i grew up watching lots of David Attenboroughs programes!!)but wasnt aware we had them in UK.I live in Enderby,on the outskirts of Leicester & we have fields within a 10min walk of where we live,so we do seem to get unusual fauna in our gardens.Anyway,the bee went into a hole in the corner of the black rubber seal around the glass on the double glazed window(house is rented,with windows in disrepair!).She then pulled leaf in after her.I dont have roses in my garden but my neighbour does so i expect thats where shes getting her leaves.I was fascinated by her,used the great Google for more info & found your extremely informative site.Nature really is amazingly beautiful!!
The problem i have is that the window is at long last being replaced in the next few weeks & im worried the bee eggs will be destroyed.
My first idea is to watch for the bee to leave,then block the hole temporarily so she cant get back in,because if they do get destroyed its a waste of her energy & she can move on to somewhere more suitable.Then when window is removed we can try to rescue the capsules & overwinter them ourselves.We wont be able to postpone window removal,so i wondered if this seemed like a suitable compromise.I want the bees to survive if at all possible.
I would very much like to hear your opinion,George,on my nature dilemma,
From Amanda Green.
Hi, Amanda, it will not be that long until the female LC bee is dead….so it may be worth letting her continue until then but on the proviso that you cut the section of window frame containing her offspring and put them in storage until next year. If this is possible that is what I would do. If you cannot arrange this then, by all means, block up her nest cavity to save her wasted time and energy. Then consider buying a decent bee hotel to place them in next year. HTH, Cheers, George
Thanks,George,for replying so quickly.The weather here has been a bit overcast with a fresh breeze & i havent seen the bee since.With not knowing where she is in her building schedule,or if she is still alive,i will take your advice,leave the hole open,& do my upmost to try and save the eggs.I dont want to seal her in if shes sitting out the damp weather!
Do you have any advice for storing the capsules & overwintering them in the hope that i do manage to save them?
Dear George,
What a wonderful site! Thank you! I am new to leaf cutters and havevbeen avidly watching them emerge! However..today as I was watching the beenhousevzi watched a brightly coloured yellow and black ‘something’ walk into one of the tubes! It was very pretty but I am worried it could harm my leaf cutters! Do I just leave it? And will Be be able to tell when hibernation comes around just what to do with it…it’s a very pretty bee/,wasp/???? I would love to purchase one of your houses, do you also sell bees? Thank Your You.
Hi Elizabeth, Difficult to say what your visitor was. Yes, of course, you can purchase one of my awards winning bee boxes on my web site. No, I do not sell bees or bee cocoons. Thanks, George
Hi we are very lucky and have leaf cutter bees in our box, the question is do we take the box into our garage for the winter, the box is south east facing but we are worried if we have a bad winter, please can you advise
Yes Belinda, store it in an outdoor building, shed, garage, etc.Keep it level as it is now. HTH, Cheers, George
I just went to the nursery with leaves from my newly planted (3 weeks ago)
Australian Box tree, full of holes. The nursery man told me they were leafeater bees. They are destroying my young tree, what should I do?
The tree will survive this little incident and you are very lucky to have leafcutters in your garden so share it with!
Dear George,
Further to my last message mentioning that i had a leafcutter bee laying eggs inside my windowframe & i was concerned as the window was going to be replaced very soon.Well,the window was finally removed yesterday & it took a lot of banging & hammering to get it out.I didnt give the leaf capsules much chance of surviving but lo,and behold,after the frame was removed i looked & there were 2 joined leaf capsules laying on the sill.To say i was excited is an understatement & i carefully picked them up & put them in a lidded pot with airholes.They look undamaged,being in the frame protected them from moisture so fingers crossed i can get them to overwinter safely.I think the vibration must have knocked them out of the frame but i am so pleased ive managed to find them.
Thanks again,George,for your informative site.
Let’s hope you have a fairytale ending Amanda! Thanks for sharing, George
hi just noticed a leaf cutting bee in my garden and watched it go into an old rayburn stove problem is the stove is due to go for scrape in a few weeks time how long will they be in there
Depends on available space, although we are talking weeks not months HTH, George
Hi. I have leaf cutters building nests in two potted plants in my greenhouse. They enter through the drainage holes at the bottom. Should I stop watering the plants to allow the eggs to develop? I’m quite prepared to let the plant die if it helps the bees. How long until they hatch? Bit worried they will be trapped in the greenhouse when they do.
LC often nest inside pots. Keep watering the plant as they cells should be made waterproof by the female. Next year remove them and place them outdoors in spring in your bee house…..
Hi we have noticed leaf cutter bees using the bamboo bee house we installed last year. However, after reading some information I’m a bit concerned that the house won’t keep out the wind/rain over the winter as it doesn’t have much of a projecting roof. Is there anything I can do to help keep the nest protected until next year?
Once finished place them in an outhouse Rachel. Did the manufacturer give you any instructions? Dare I say buy a better quality bee house?!! Cheers, George
I noticed the other day that there seems to a big wasp that is alone. I noticed that it was going in to a hole which is in the mortar in between bricks of the house , that was already there before, digging and bringing out mortar. Today i noticed it going in and out bringing in parts of leaves in to the hole. Do you have any advise on what i should do and what it is? Should i leave it and let it do its thing or shall take action and do something to stop it? Just worried because its in the bricks of the house and the location of the hole is next to the window and door. Many thanks.
Hi Rachel, I think you may find this useful, Cheers George
We have what I now know to be leaf cutter bees making their nests in the arms of a wrought iron chair which we have now realised does not have stoppers over the end of the arms. They are fascinating to watch and we haven’t moved the chair since they started so as not to disturb them. I am so glad I have found your site as I am concerned that with the arms being metal they might become extremely cold and freeze over the winter. Should we move the chair to somewhere more sheltered when the winter comes? Thanks.
It may be a good idea to keep them outside but under cover or inside an outhouse, garage shed. Replace back outside in spring. HTH, Cheers, George
I have some leaf cutter bees in 2 hanging baskets.. I love watching them.. thing is 1 is my strawberry plants and I have to water them.. Will this harm the bees.. the 2nd I was planning on planting in there but obviously don’t want to disturb them.. when do you think it’ll be “safe to empty the basket.. can’t wait to see inside..
Luara, gently empty them in Oct/Nov and store inside an outhouse till next spring. Cheers George
Hi – I cleared out some hanging pots in my garden at the weekend and came across approx. 10 cocoons which I think are from leafcutter bees. Feel quite upset that I have disturbed them and couldn’t put them back as I had broken the soil down etc. I am not sure that I haven’t damaged the cocoons but did not realise there were there until too late. I have currently put the cocoons in the shallow tray (like you put plastic flower pots in) and loosely covered with soil, and have pushed it into the soil of another planter in my garden. I am not sure if the cocoon contents are still alive (it was in a planted pot of herbs which would have got watered etc and not sure how the cocoons survive this). On the chance that they are alive, (1) have I put them in an adequate place to let them keep developing (2) when would they generally hatch? Any advice appreciated! Thank you. Sarah
Mice or birds may find them or some other predator. Put them in a container in a garage, protect from mice and put out later as the weather warms up, away from predators. HTH, George
I currently have a cutter bee using an air brick in the side of my house to make its ‘cigars’. It seems to be using the leaves from a nearby Camellia Sinensis(Tea Plant) plant to make the ‘cigars’. I hope the grubs enjoy the brew!
ive never heard of a leaf cutting bee ,until tonight I saw what I thought a green bee flying in a hole in a house brick .I watched the bee come out of the hole onto one of my plants ,cut the leaf and fly back in to the hole in the brick
Well, Barbara, we all learn new things every day! Cheers George
Hi, thanks for the interesting and informative article! We have a leafcutter bee using our bee nesting box, with one hole sealed up so far and 2 more being cleaned in preparation – but this morning I found 2 “cells” on the ground outside. Any ideas why this would be please?
Probably Osmia ligniseca or even a woodpecker esp if damaged wood…HTH George
We have leaf cutter bees in our old pergola that I was going to demolish. Thought that they were wasps and going to spray them. Glad I didn’t! Some of the wood on this is a bit rotten, but I’ve seen these bees going up into it. They are very entertaining to watch. I’m glad that I haven’t demolished it now after reading articles about these creatures that should be protected. I’ve seen one getting a bit of leaf from our runner beans in a pot in the back garden then going up with it into the wood on the pergola. So I think I’ll be stuck with old pergola for now!
You could get a nest box for bees, demolish the pergola, sort out the cocoons and place in your nest box for next year… full advice given with my own nest boxes by the way! Cheers George
Hi, I have a leaf cutter bee going in and out of my patio door lock, when I shut the lock will it harm the bee? I am very Bee conscious and do not want to harm the poor little thing. Your advise would be appreciated. Thank you.
oh! What a dilemma. I’m assuming the bee larvae have sufficient room to grow safely and live.. the bee will/may sleep in the available space each evening…Cheers George
This might sound like a weird question… since the pods are often made of pea or rose leaf, both wonderful in tea, and the bees do collect pollen and nectar. I assume their abdomens carry, a yeast or fungi that helps break the pollen down for their brood to consume? I’m wondering if its plausible or common to make tea out of leafcutter bee pods? My one concern aside from a toxic leaf being used in the nest, is if what ever the breakdown fungi or yeast could be toxic.
Steamed pupae aside I think home-gardeners would be motivated to deliberately facilitate solitary bees if there was bee curated tea to be had. Thanks.
Well, that brought a smile to my face, Brian. I recently skimmed over a few papers and as they were too detailed for my particular area, they did mention fungi/bacteria in pollen and it is an area that scientist may well look at. Cheers, I’m off for a brew! George
Hi just a quick message, after watching your videos we now know what has been happening to our wisteria and one of our trees. I’m happy to say we have watched and taken clips of the bees doing they’re thing. It’s beautiful that we can also see where they are nesting too.
Thanks for all the ideas and videos that you have put on the internet.
Why thank you indeed Christiaan. Cheers George