How do you stop wood pigeons from using a bird feeder?

I just can’t do it!
Wood pigeons are now commonly seen in many gardens as they bully other birds away from the food whether it’s on the ground, on a table or in a bird feeder. They almost ‘hoover’ up wastage from the feeder that has fallen to the ground. For their size, they are also adept at using some bird feeders. I have stopped them from using my feeder as well as magpies, collared doves and squirrels.
This was not an expensive way to achieve this. A simple plastic clematis wire mesh was clipped together with wire and placed over the feeder resting loosely over the dome making it unstable which the birds did not like. The wood pigeons may well be a vector for trichomonosis that has spread to other birds. Keeping them away from the feeders will help garden birds susceptible to this disease, particularly seed eaters such as finches. If you have finches in your garden watch out for these symptoms as shown in the film
Download a PDF about Trichomonosis from the BTO (British Trust for Ornithology)
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