Hedgehog enters garden using a Hedgehog Highway then walks the plank!
Hedgehog Highways absolutely work and the more of them we can create the more likelihood hedgehogs will be seen alive in your garden and not dead in the road. Those concrete gravel boards may make life easier when putting up a new garden fence. BUT to a hedgehog, it is an insurmountable barrier to get into next doors garden to forage for food. It is certainly one of the most important things we can do to help hedgehogs. According to Hedgehog Street, hedgehogs can travel around one mile during the night searching for food or a mate. A Hedgehog Highway just 13cm by 13cm saves them a lot of time and energy and offers them a better opportunity to find what they are searching for that evening.
Another obstacle for hedgehogs can be steps from a patio to the garden above. This is what happened when I had such a situation.

How does the hedgehog climb these steps to reach food?
I watched this hedgehog over a few nights and decided to give it a leg-up! The ramp is secured at the top over the top wooden lip and bottom so as not to slip down or slide away. Then it is easily picked up for storing. Straight forward and simple.

Purchasing this sign helps hedgehogs
You can even buy Hedgehog Highway signs! Although I doubt the hedgehogs will be able to read them!
Let’s get our gardens linked up! It works and helps hedgehogs.
Ten tips for encouraging hedgehogs
British Hedgehog Preservation Society offers help and advice for sick, injured or orphaned hedgehogs
State of Britain’s Hedgehogs 2018 Report
BTO Research “UK Hedgehog Datasets and their potential for long-term monitoring”
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