Both greenfinch and goldfinch show trichomonosis symptoms
Trichomonosis (fat finch disease) was discovered by members of the public taking part in the British Trust for Ornithology, Garden Bird Watch Scheme, (not the RSPB scheme!) in 2005. This is a Citizen Science collaboration between members of the public and scientists. A worthwhile wildlife gardening project.
More information here This article will be updated soon.
“All my articles and videos, available free, are funded by my teaching and sales of award winning bumblebee nest boxes, solitary bee boxes, and wormeries. Please help by spreading the word and forwarding this link to your friends and colleagues. Thank you!” George Pilkington
Hi George
So distressing to see this. We lost 4 greenfinch in 2012 but no symptoms appeared last summer. Iin fact we had a number of both species early spring a few visits through the summer but quite a healthy number of green finch and goldfinch last autumn.
Dreadful to see this. We have had greenfinch feeding on hemp seed which they seem to favour above all other variations in the feeders but only one goldfinch. Spring is on the way!!!
Cheers for now Marian
It is very distressing Marian, even though you know you are not responsible….the message has to get across for garden feeder hygiene, hence my little contribution! Getting geared up for masons!! Cheers, George
You can cure this disease by using RANDIZOLE . I have used it effectively with my pigeons who contracted the same diseases.
Dr. Eli nassar
Truly sad to see. I had an ill woodpigeon visiting the bird table and decided to stop feeding for a few weeks and have a spring clean. These illnesses transmit very well during wet weather, as they survive on the food the birds try to eat and fail, which they spit and is left about. You can clean the feeders, but the food lying about is also contaminated. Better to leave the artificial feeding for a while and let the ill birds die fast before passing the disease to the healthy ones. One of the disadvantages of artificial feeding is diseases, sad but true.
Your are right Africa. I have done this in the past, stopped feeding. It also helps to move the feeders/bird tables around the garden to limit the effects of the organism living in the detritus beneath them. Hope your solitary box is cleaned and up ready! Cheers George
Unfortunately I have just discovered a Greenfinch on one of our feeders this morning ….. I’ve taken down the feeders and they will be cleaned. We have so many different birds that come on a regular basis along with the joy that comes with them … I will be cleaning the feeders of course and now would like to know how long I need to keep the area free of feeders. Thank you Lynne
Two weeks has been recommended Lynne. Cheers, George
How do you treat this diseasr
At the moment you cant. We have to prevent them catching it at our feeders which means keeping them clean, moving them around the garden just a few feet will do and perhaps preventing wood pigeons from eating off the ground.HTH George
When I asked I did it fast.
Then I did my research and found out you talking about the same disease some of my pigeons get.. CANKER.
I have successfully treated it with RANDIZOLE which you can buy from Pigeon Supply stores.
Is I was you I will trap the sick bird, put him in a cage and treat him. Then release him when cured.
Sorry I meant RANIDEZOLE.
Why am I getting at least 25 gold finch and chaffinch dead in my garden for the last 2 months
If it is trichomonosis someone near you is not cleaning their feeders