Concrete Gravel Boards are barriers to hedgehogs
According to Hedgehog Street, hedgehogs can travel about one mile every night in search of food and a mate. “We now know that one of the main reasons why hedgehogs are declining in Britain is because our fences and walls are becoming more and more secure, reducing the amount of land available to them.”

Hedgehog friendly area
Besides having Hedgehog Highways between neighbouring gardens, they need ways of getting into gardens from an outside area like the above example. This area above is excellent for hedgehogs BUT each garden is completely separated from it and each other by concrete gravel board barriers which may as well be the ‘Great Wall of China’ if you are a hedgehog! In this particular example, a hedgehog would have to walk along the backs, onto a concrete boarded public footpath, then onto the pavement, which is next to the road, down the driveway and search for the entrance then come into a garden from the front. About 60 yards of concrete boards all the way in one direction and much more in the other.
Let’s get our gardens linked up! It works!
Ten tips for encouraging hedgehogs
British Hedgehog Preservation Society offers help and advice for sick, injured or orphaned hedgehogs
State of Britain’s Hedgehogs 2018 Report
BTO Research “UK Hedgehog Datasets and their potential for long-term monitoring”
Read Hedgehogs and garden fences – a possible solution?
Hedgehog Observation Feeding Station
“All my articles, research and videos, available free, are funded by my teaching and sales of award-winning bumblebee nest boxes, solitary bee boxes, and other wildlife-friendly products. Please help by spreading the word and forwarding this link to your friends and colleagues. Thank you!” George Pilkington
With special thanks to K Newman for his help, enthusiasm and equipment!
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