Cavity nesting solitary bees found using the nest box
Although it is used by cavity-nesting bees to nest inside, rest during the day or sleep overnight, even furrow-nesting bees, e.g. Halictus rubicundus have used the box to rest inside. Several species of solitary wasps have also similarly used it. 2019 saw an increase in solitary bees and wasps using it. If you have a new species to add to the list please contact me so I can add it! Thanks, George

Halictus rubicundus – Orange-legged Furrow Bee at Kew Gardens
Bee species will depend upon where you live.
For first-class ID photographs of insects, flowers, trees, habitat ecology and nature conservation generally, visit Steven Falk’s Flickr site
What’s that bee in your new nest box? It would be handy to learn about the increase in bee species and possibly their identification. To point you in the right bee identification direction I can 100% recommend Steven Falk’s Field Guide to Bees of Great Britain and Ireland. I do not receive any remuneration from this recommendation
Many thanks to Prof Phil Stevenson, Dr Hauke Kock both of Kew Gardens, author Kate Bradbury, Emily Doorish and ecologist John Walters without whose contributions I would not have been able to make this film.
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