“All my articles AND videos, GIVEN TO YOU FREE, are funded by my teaching and sales of award winning bumblebee nest boxes, solitary bee boxes, and wormeries. Please help by spreading the word and forwarding this link to your friends and colleagues. https://nurturing-nature.co.uk
Thank you” George Pilkington
George Pilkington of Nurturing Nature made all of the willow wreaths. If you would like something similar for your school, community group, etc, contact me, 01925 452819/mob 0787 – 358 6685
email : nurturing-nature@virginmedia.com
- the journey begins……
I have found ivy is the easiest material to use for the basic dressing of the wreath. I used to use conifer, but this was much harder to use not being as flexible as the ivy and had to be trimmed to keep the shape of the wreath in a circle. Conifer, freshly cut can be used after the ivy ‘undercoat!”as it adds that pine smell to the wreath. Pine cones look nice as well.
Using longer pieces of ivy makes life for easier workings as you wrap and weave the ivy to the wreath.
All that is needed now is to use the gardeners string to tie a piece across the diameter of the wreath to use to affix to your door or wherever you wish to place it on display. They are best kept outdoors as they tend to dry when indoors and this affects the colour and berries dry and drop off. And no plastic! Fantastic! I recently saw some natural christmas wreaths in a garden centre…£15 each!!!
George Pilkington Nurturing Nature make all of the willow wreaths. If you would like something similar for your school, community group, etc, contact me, 01925 452819/mob 0787 – 358 6685
email: nurturing-nature@virginmedia.com
Brill George! Thanks for this and the others. I’m hoping for a quiet time soon to have a good old rummage around your website.
Have fun!
Thanks Mary. I hope to add more useful information as I develop the site. Cheers for now, George
Hi dad can I have one of these for my house this year please!
Which one Carms?