“All my articles and videos, available free, are funded by my  teaching and sales of award winning bumblebee nest boxessolitary bee boxes,  and wormeries. Please help by spreading the word and forwarding this link to your friends and colleagues. https://nurturing-nature.co.uk

Thank you” George Pilkington

House-hunting Martins – Citizen Science

House Martins are among the many summer migrants that have made a welcome return to our shores this month. Numbers of this aerial acrobat have been in long-term decline and over the last few years the BTO has been running a survey focused specifically on this species. If you have House Martins nesting on your home this year, or if you’ve had them nesting in a previous year but they are now missing, please let us know see details below.

house martins-at-nest-doug-welch


House Martin Survey- Citizen Science

This is the fifth summer that the House Martin Survey is being run. Over 1,200 people across the UK have taken part in previous years providing us with a clear picture of how this wonderful summer visitor is doing. House Martins continue to do well in Scotland with 38% of sites being used for the fisrt time, compared with 13% in the Midlands and 16-19% in other regions.

Help us find out what’s happening this year by taking part in the 2013 House Martin Survey.

We also need your help to find out where House Martins spend the winter. Find out what you can do to help us solve the mystery of House Martin migration.

Fund a House Martin geolocator

Find out about previous House Martin Surveys

Download the latest House Martin Survey Newsletter (PDF).

As the Cheshire Garden Bird Watch Ambassador, I am available to give talks about the BTO Garden Bird Watch which you can join.

Give the gift of Garden BirdWatch- a great way to introduce nature to kids!

Our smart new presentation pack means that you can now give the gift of BTO Garden BirdWatch to a friend or relative. The pack, which retails at £19.95, contains all that is needed to get started recording garden wildlife. Once the activation card is returned, the recipient will be sent a free copy of the acclaimed Garden Birds & Wildlife and four quarterly issues of Bird Table magazine. Order your copy today.

The pack contains: an annual sunscription to GBW, a welcome letter, an activation card, a quick start guide, instructions, advice on feeding and attracting garden birds and a car sticker. Return the activation card to receive a free copy of Garden Birds and Wildlife, four quarterly issues of Bird Table magazine, access to BTO experts, access to GBW Online.

T- 01925 452819

E- nurturing-nature@virginmedia.com

Photo of House Martin courtesy of Doug Welch, with thanks.