Wren find insects after overnight frost in my wildlife garden

Wren find insects after overnight frost in my wildlife garden

The tiny wren finds food amongst the primroses Its not very often you are lucky to see a wren so close up and feeding, especially after an overnight frost and in such an open piece of ground. This was filmed through my office window. Troglodytes, troglodytes, meaning...
Help farmland birds such as the skylark

Help farmland birds such as the skylark

New research to help farmland birds Why I have put a farmland birds appeal on my website. Having spent my childhood, youth and early adult days about 2 miles from Liverpool city centre, in a terraced house with a back yard, outside toilet, no bathroom and not a tree...

Easy to make DIY mosquito trap video

Homemade mosquito trap for home or garden. I have seen mosquito type larvae in my pond where I do have predators to keep them in check. I like to have a Plan ‘B’ though! This video embassies typical mistakes that can be made and therefore not make this...
Hedgerows and trees covered in silk? Possible suspects

Hedgerows and trees covered in silk? Possible suspects

Silk on hedgerows or trees at this time of the year? You may see layers of silk along hedges or trees. Silk is made by both the Ermine moth and the Oak Processionary moth. So which is it?   4 June 2014 At this time of year we often receive reports of ghostly...
Not one but TWO hedgehogs feeding in feeding station with window

Not one but TWO hedgehogs feeding in feeding station with window

Filming hedgehogs safe inside my hedgehog feeding station Its great to have one hedgehog in your garden but to have two and film them eating makes my day! One has been visiting regularly for some time now. I noticed that sometimes ‘my hedgehog’ seemed to...
Cheshire BTO Garden Bird Watch Ambassador

Cheshire BTO Garden Bird Watch Ambassador

Cheshire Garden Bird Watch Ambassador available for talks George Pilkington (www.nurturing-nature.co.uk) 01925 452819 nurturing-nature@virginmedia.com Help needed! If you can help distribute BTO Garden BirdWatch guides and leaflets or would like a talk then please get...