WEA class visit to Martin Mere I have seen this many times before but years ago. The Swan Spectacular, really lives up to its name! A truly spectacular sight, noisy, busy and colourful. It is held 3pm daily outside the Swan Link hide, Sat 1/11/14 to Fri 27/3/14 Mar....
A joint venture with the RSPB, Warrington Day Centre, Nurturing Nature and of course the peregrines! Students and staff on the Nurturing Nature course, from WDC attended Manchester recently to view the Manchester city peregrines. With the kind help of the wonderful...
Excuse me. When do I get my red breast? Said the robin to the chaffinch! You will see that in the video there are some photographs of robins that do not have the familiar red breast of adult robins. They look almost sparrow or dunnock-like with their speckled brown...
If HS2 goes ahead what suggestions are there for wildlife? “Whatever you measure it against -by Government legislation, guidance or rhetoric-the current proposals for HS2 fall very short when it comes to the environment. It is at odd with the ambitions for...
Great tit and Robin make a nest each and lay eggs It’s Easter Sunday so I thought it appropriate to show a different kind of egg! Oak leaves collected in early spring to mulch my garden borders, moss raked from lawn and left in situ, wool from the countryside...
Both greenfinch and goldfinch show trichomonosis symptoms Trichomonosis (fat finch disease) was discovered by members of the public taking part in the British Trust for Ornithology, Garden Bird Watch Scheme, (not the RSPB scheme!) in 2005. This is a Citizen Science...
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