Join the Soil Association and help protect the skin of our earth! Some time ago I had the great pleasure of teaching school children in Liverpool about organic and wildlife gardening on an allotment site. Alas after a for a few short years the funding ran out! We grew...
Dirty Dozen and the Clean Fifteen fruit and vegetables I don’t really want to have a cocktail of many different pesticides, weed and fungi killers on my fruit and vegetables. I don’t want to have to read and wade through reports to find them out either! I...
Nurturing Nature with South Liverpool Homes Group Residents Last spring, I was approached to teach a 6 week ‘taster’ organic and wildlife gardening course on behalf of the South Liverpool Homes Group to be held at Dutch Farm where the Liverpool Food...
The insects that made Christmas Bah! Humbug! So what if all these wasps, midges, flies, bees and other insects all die out? What good are they anyway? Good riddance I say! Oh! How often I hear these or similar words!! Well for starters Christmas would not be...
Does anyone remember Rachel Carson? Well I do! I found it rather depressing and think everyone should read it. I am often asked why I started to garden for wildlife and why I eat organic food whenever I have the choice. I usually use the analogy that if I owned a...
“Bees and Pollination’ presentation at the Pentland Science Park, Scotland The National Vegetable Society kindly invited me to give a presentation to over 100 of their members at the Pentland Science Park, about pollinating bumblebees, solitary bees,...
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