Are neonicotinoids killing birds, if so where are they?

Are neonicotinoids killing birds, if so where are they?

Prof. Dave Goulson’s reply to Dr. Chris Hatfield of the National Farmer’s Union  Carrion Having walked many miles throughout farmlands, woodlands, marshes and the wider countryside, to be honest its not that often I find many dead birds or other animals...

Bee Summit Liverpool Guild of Students Nurturing Nature presentation

Bee Summit Liverpool Guild of Students Bee Keeping Society Join us for a day of activities to show you just how important bees are in our environment. We have workshops like bee identification and bee friendly seed bombing during the day and talks during the evening...
Melittobia acasta battlefield inside a leafcutter bee cocoon video

Melittobia acasta battlefield inside a leafcutter bee cocoon video

A war zone inside a leafcutter bee cocoon After coming across Monodontomerus wasps and then Pteromalus wasps, my next customer to film was this minute chalcid wasp Melittobia acastsa. It is not fussy which bee it targets. In fact it targets several species of bees and...
Spider with eggs inside solitary bee nest box video

Spider with eggs inside solitary bee nest box video

Spider with eggs inside solitary bee nest box video Spiders and other creature use solitary bee nest boxes overwinter. This female had her eggs inside and was watching over them. This is just one example of why you should have a solitary bee nest box that you can...
Bee and other pollinator decline research paper links

Bee and other pollinator decline research paper links

Managing Solitary bees in my garden I am regularly asked why do I manage my solitary bees instead of just leaving them outdoors like most other people inside their bee house. I find it absolutely fascinating, educational and interesting. I have learnt so much about...