Blue mason bees? (Osmia caerulescens) using observation nest box

Blue mason bees? (Osmia caerulescens) using observation nest box

Red and Blue Mason bees nesting in same nest box With Red mason bees and Blue Mason bees living together in the same Nurturing Nature solitary bee observation nest box, it’s like Liverpool and Everton supporters living together, which is great!! Besides Red...
The Little World of the Red Mason bee – video

The Little World of the Red Mason bee – video

A female Red Mason bee’s story This is a charming short video by Gary Smith, forming part of his MA at the University of West England (UWE). It gives a glimpse into the secret world of our gardens and particularly a female Red mason bee.  I’m sure you will...
Rusty the Red mason bee and his quest for love!! video

Rusty the Red mason bee and his quest for love!! video

The trials and tribulations of Rusty, a male Red mason bee looking for a mate (1) Rusty, a male Red mason bee (Osmia bicornis) has a fast and furious life looking for a suitable mate in his short life. Competition is fierce. In the wild, the females can be very widely...
Do we need neonicotinoids to grow crops? by Prof. Dave Goulson

Do we need neonicotinoids to grow crops? by Prof. Dave Goulson

Where are the insects on my car windscreen? Do you remember the days when you used to drive your car in the countryside during the summer and upon returning found the windscreen and front grill splattered with insects? They could be a real pain to clean from your car....