This is not a bee hotel! It is a solitary bee nest box with observation windows! In the film you will see, besides 6 different solitary bee species, a Coelioxys cuckoo bee and not often seen or filmed, its larva with egg crushing or larva killing mandibles. I watched...
Bee Summit Liverpool Guild of Students Bee Keeping Society Join us for a day of activities to show you just how important bees are in our environment. We have workshops like bee identification and bee friendly seed bombing during the day and talks during the evening...
Spider with eggs inside solitary bee nest box video Spiders and other creature use solitary bee nest boxes overwinter. This female had her eggs inside and was watching over them. This is just one example of why you should have a solitary bee nest box that you can...
Red Mason bee, Osmia bicornis, Osmia leaiana cocoons and a leafcutter bee cell to compare Lined next to each other for comparison, with the pesto bee! Osmia leaiana cocoon left inside its cell in situ and the other two added. As with other solitary bee cocoons,...
Tough little Osmia leaiana sits it out till Late Oct 2016 In 2012 I had my last Osmia leaiana nesting at my new address although I made the film the year after. Her offspring never made it and I opened the cocoons to see why, late July 2013. Most of them were dead but...
Reasons to remove your solitary bee nest boxes 1. Parasitoids wasps, e.g. Monodontomerus This Nurturing Nature Orchard solitary bee nest box was completely full of Red Mason bee larvae, when in my own garden a short while after this photograph was taken. The larvae...
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