Solitary bees and solitary wasps using the nest box Some bees will use the nest box to rest during the day, sleep overnight, find shelter or nest, as have several species of solitary wasp. 2018 saw an increase in solitary bees and wasps using it. If you have a new...
Solitary bees and solitary wasps in the same nest box? Yes! In the same nest box! Besides being pollinators solitary wasps are fascinating to watch as they store the cavities with paralysed prey items, many of which may be garden pests. The prey items are used by the...
Bee Hotels, Hygiene and Maintenance 29/8/18 Cumbria Wildlife Trust George Pilkington from Nurturing Nature will teach us all about bee hygiene, why bug hotels are great for bugs but bee homes need their own space. George will teach us all about his specially designed...
This is not a bee hotel! It is a solitary bee nest box with observation windows! As seen recently on Springwatch 2018 In the film you will see, besides 11 different solitary bee species, including a Coelioxys cuckoo bee and not often seen or filmed, its larva with egg...
Ancistrocerus gazella, a new wasp to my summer bee solitary wasp nesting unit This mason wasp is also known as the European Tube Wasp. According to Wikipedia, the female collects as many as 20 caterpillars in each nest. Looking at the size of the cells, how on earth...
River of Flowers exhibited the Honeycomb Meadow Bee Garden at this years RHS Chelsea Flower Show, The Garden was designed by Kathryn Lwin and Kerrie McKinnon. Upon being contacted by Kathryn and upon hearing of what she was designing and explaining what she hopes to...
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