Pesticides and Bees:Keeping Bees Safe In Our Gardens Research Project Prof. Dave Goulson and Walacea (Back science you believe in) have joined forces to help you to help bees and buy truly bee friendly flowers. To get some background information read my article,...
Bees and apple pollination, a bite sized view! Scientists have researched which species pollinates these apples and how much is it worth in the UK. You can download their paper Apple Pollination: Demand Depends on Variety and Supply Depends on Pollinator Identity....
PLEASE clean your Red Mason bee (Osmia bicornis) cocoons! Pollen mites attach themselves to the bees using huge claws as they leave their natal nest, hitch a lift, (phoresy), and transfer to a female during mating hitching a lift back on their new host to drop off...
Cold, chilled 1st Female Red Mason bee 2016 On 21st April, the weather here was unseasonably warm in my south facing sun trap garden. Early afternoon, I looked inside my orchard bee nest box. and saw two Red Mason males (Osmia bicornis) had emerged and flown away,...
Help solve the mystery of the UK’s back garden butterflies Butterfly Conservation’s newly launched Garden Butterfly Survey will attempt to lift the lid on how garden butterflies are faring. The survey will reveal garden butterfly declines and increases, how they...
Help the Soil Association to achieve a total ban of neonicotinoids. The new DDT? Something unthinkable is happening. Neonicotinoids are still contaminating our countryside, and poisoning our wildlife. A new study from Sussex University, part-funded by the Soil...
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