Useful pollinator research and resources Want some easy to read scientific research about insect pollinators to download for future reference? I have selected the research areas solely relating to insect pollinators and given links to downloadable PDF’s, with a...
Sparrow numbers rise at garden feeders Research undertaken by the BTO has found that garden bird feeding is a driver involved in an evolutionary change in blackcaps. But what about other birds? I have been fortunate to have been involved in the Garden Bird Feeding...
Attending the Royal Entomological Insect Festival York July 15 I must say that it was one of the most well organised and engaging of the many such festivals I have attended. The organisers and volunteers were so helpful and friendly. It turned out to be the busiest...
Bumblebee Infogram – How do neonicotinoids affect bumblebees? When giving talks or presentations to people whom do not read academic papers for whatever reasons, then try (!) to translate them into everyday language so that non academics can understand can be...
New research to help farmland birds Why I have put a farmland birds appeal on my website. Having spent my childhood, youth and early adult days about 2 miles from Liverpool city centre, in a terraced house with a back yard, outside toilet, no bathroom and not a tree...
Pollinator Abundance Network Join this group of scientists and non scientists, adults and children to help find out more about bees and our other pollinators! No doubt this partnership should be an interesting collaboration! For wildlife gardeners, organic gardeners...
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