Brownfield site used by bumblebee queens for willow pollen

Brownfield sites. Eyesore or haven for wildlife? When visiting a brownfield site, to many people it appears uninviting, boring and perhaps an eyesore. They could probably also think that wildlife has the same views as them. They could be well far off the mark. I...
Ruby tailed or Jewel wasps the beautiful cuckoos

Ruby tailed or Jewel wasps the beautiful cuckoos

Chrysidids. Beautiful Ruby-Tailed or Jewel wasps That flash of iridescent metallic blue-green you observed near your solitary bee nest box was probably a wasp. It is likely to be a Chrysidid cuckoo wasp, a family of parasitoid and cleptoparasitic wasps. Their...

What, where and how to feed Wrens over the winter-video

Where do Wrens find their winter food? It helps to know what they eat, how and where they find it! The Wren, (Troglodytes, troglodytes), when it can it feeds upon invertebrate prey such as insects, bugs and spiders. I have also seen them eat very small slugs. In the...
Red Admiral butterflies and ivy

Red Admiral butterflies and ivy

Red Admiral butterfly and ivy Planting ivy (Hedera helix) against a fence, shed or outbuilding and allowed to flower, can be useful not only for Red Admirals topping up before winter but also a host of other wildlife that uses it for food, shelter and nesting.  Many...