Ancistrocerus gazella solitary wasp larvae inside nesting cavity

Ancistrocerus gazella solitary wasp larvae inside nesting cavity

Ancistrocerus gazella, a new wasp to my summer bee solitary wasp nesting unit This mason wasp is also known as the European Tube Wasp. According to Wikipedia, the female collects as many as 20 caterpillars in each nest. Looking at the size of the cells, how on earth...
Wildlife gardening experts speaking at Ness Gardens

Wildlife gardening experts speaking at Ness Gardens

Wildlife gardening experts supporting Cheshire Wildlife Trust Wildlife gardening expert, Chris Baines, is appearing at Ness Botanic Gardens this month in support of Cheshire Wildlife Trust. On Saturday 26th May, Chris will be giving a talk entitled ‘Gardening for...
River of Flowers wins Silver Medal at Chelsea

River of Flowers wins Silver Medal at Chelsea

River of Flowers exhibited the Honeycomb Meadow Bee Garden at this years RHS Chelsea Flower Show, The Garden was designed by Kathryn Lwin and Kerrie McKinnon. Upon being contacted by Kathryn and upon hearing of what she was designing and explaining what she hopes to...
What birds will use a garden bird feeder?

What birds will use a garden bird feeder?

Inspired by David Attenborough in my youth I have been an organic and wildlife gardener since about 1986. I would have been one earlier but did not have the opportunity. I can say it has had an enormously positive effect on my life. Living on the outskirts of...