Red tailed bumblebees and other 3 bumblebee species mating You don’t often get to see bumblebees mating. Here I was lucky to be in the right places at the right times to film: B. lapidarius, B. hypnorum, B. terrestris? and B. pratorum. I had some strange looks...
Bumblebee Infogram – How do neonicotinoids affect bumblebees? When giving talks or presentations to people whom do not read academic papers for whatever reasons, then try (!) to translate them into everyday language so that non academics can understand can be...
Bumblebees workers feeding upon honeydew from aphids on beech leaves The noise is what attracted my attention as I walked down the road alongside a beech hedge. I heard a loud buzzing and I noticed that several species of bumblebees were flying in between the leaves...
INSECT FESTIVAL 2015 – SUNDAY 5 JULY 2015 Following the success of previous years the Insect Festival will be taking place in York again in July this year. IF15 on Sunday 5 July 2015 is a celebration for anyone with a fascination for insects – from...
Bee fly, Bombylius major, a bumblebee mimic feeding in my wildlife garden This large bee fly looks like a dark-edged specimen, Bombylius major, one of only four species in Britain. It looks rather innocent as it feeds upon the nectar from your garden flowers. It has...
Probably Bombus hortorum, the Garden Bumblebee, feeding on primroses This is a longue tongued bumblebee which she would need to collect the nectar deep within the primroses. Its long narrow head helps with this task. Not all bumblebees, frustratingly for them!, can...
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