The Life Scientific with Prof. Dave Goulson

Prof. Dave Goulson catching bees

Prof. Dave Goulson of Sussex University is one of the UK’s chief bumblebee campaigners and researchers.

Hear his 1/2 an hour interview on BBC Radio 4 The Life Scientific 

Meet him @ Gayton Village Hall, Staffs, 25th Nov 2014  “An evening with Dave Goulson

Read his award winning book “A Sting in the tale” and new book “A Buzz in the Meadow

Prof. Goulson foundered Bumblebee Conservation Trust you can join and help bumblebees

Bee Watch if you are a keen photographer then help photograph bumblebee distribution

Bee Walk if you enjoy strolling and monitoring bumblebees as you stroll!

and of course if you want an award winning bumblebee nest box !

Honeybees make honey, bumblebees make summer!  (my quote!)

Thanks Roy at for sending me interview link