Hedgehog legal protection Government response

Hedgehog legal protection Government response

Get HM Parliament to debate hedgehogs and do something useful for our declining wildlife for a change!! Sign the petition please, see below. Government response to the petition I signed: Give the hedgehog better legal protection in order to reverse its decline. We...
Early mining bee (Andrena clarkella?) nest site

Early mining bee (Andrena clarkella?) nest site

Early mining solitary bee nest site National Wildflower Centre Liverpool video Probably one of the earliest solitary bees to emerge, Andrena clarkella. On this lovely March afternoon (14th) there were far more males than females. Most of the nest sides were south of...
Garden hedgehog decline, solution and success

Garden hedgehog decline, solution and success

Hedgehogs are in decline. When did you last see one in your garden? I am surprised that many people have never seen a living hedgehog. Road kill hedgehogs yes, but not living ones.. Why is this? They are declining. I don’t see as many dead on the roads as I used...