No milk or bread today. It makes hedgehogs ill!

Many people now thankfully, know that bread and milk is a ‘no-no’ for hedgehogs. There are others who simply do not know it can be harmful for them. Being lactose intolerant, too much can give them diarrhoea!


Download poster here   No-Milk-or-Bread with thanks to Royston Robertson Cartoons.  who kindly sent me the poster.

If you want to feed the hedgehogs a nutritional food you can use my recipe which they loved! A mixture (all organic), muesli, rape seed oil, crushed almonds, sunflower hearts, crunchy peanut butter, dried mealworms, all soaked in hot water to provide moisture (although I have a pond 3 feet away!) drained and mixed to form a moist crunchy spread. Hedgehogs absolutely love it! Cats pass it by!

NB. No more bacon rind (salt)!!

Or buy from a reputable supplier such as Haith’s hedgehog food

To watch as you feed see my Hedgehog Feeding Station at work!