Queen Bombus hortorum foraging on wild primroses video

Queen Bombus hortorum foraging on wild primroses video

Probably Bombus hortorum, the Garden Bumblebee, feeding on primroses This is a longue tongued bumblebee which she would need to collect the nectar deep within the primroses. Its long narrow head helps with this task. Not all bumblebees, frustratingly for them!, can...
Not one but TWO hedgehogs feeding in feeding station with window

Not one but TWO hedgehogs feeding in feeding station with window

Filming hedgehogs safe inside my hedgehog feeding station Its great to have one hedgehog in your garden but to have two and film them eating makes my day! One has been visiting regularly for some time now. I noticed that sometimes ‘my hedgehog’ seemed to...
Bumblebee queens need early spring flowers near their nests

Bumblebee queens need early spring flowers near their nests

Flowers as used by Bumblebee queens in early spring  Early spring flowers literally is the life blood for bumblebee queens and their colonies for newly emerged hibernating queens. The flowers can be crucial to the success or failure of their lives. The establishment...