Tree bumblebee adoption by TRG Pest Control and bee video

Tree bumblebee adoption by TRG Pest Control and bee video

 TRG Pest Control I have had numerous emails and phone calls in the North West Area and feel this information’s well worth passing on. I hope more Pest Control Companies think the same way and show such positive action as this company shows. TRG Pest Control...
Solitary mining bee nest being sought out by cuckoo bee-video

Solitary mining bee nest being sought out by cuckoo bee-video

Possibly Andrena nigroaenea and a cleptoparasitic ‘wasp like’ bee (Nomada leucophthalma?) in my wildlife garden Besides red masons, leaf cutters and a few other solitary bees nesting in my garden I have mining bees making their nests in soil behind wooden...
The toilet trained bumblebee queens! video

The toilet trained bumblebee queens! video

Tree bumblebee (Bombus hypnorum) queens were toilet trained! I have never seen this before with any other species. This was a particularly successful nest in terms of producing queens many of whom I saw foraging and returning with pollen over several days. I lost...

Bumblebee workers sleeping outside overnight on flowers-video

Numerous bumblebee workers sleeping outside overnight on flowers- i.e. their workplace! When out foraging, there is a very fine balancing act for them to undertake. Find and take for their own use enough fuel (nectar) for energy sapping flying, then carry a heavy load...
Monodontomerus wasp silent deadly red mason bee assassin-video

Monodontomerus wasp silent deadly red mason bee assassin-video

Monodontomerus wasp silent killer of bees video for BWARS presentation 2013 I was asked to give a presentation about bees to BWARS at their AGM, Liverpool World Museum 29th Sept 2013. Well I thought, as an amateur and hobby wildlife gardener what on earth can I talk...