Baby grey squirrel in garden-video

“All my articles and videos, available free, are funded by my  teaching and sales of award winning bumblebee nest boxes, solitary bee boxes,  and wormeries. Please help by spreading the word and forwarding this link to your friends and...

Red tailed Bombus lapidarius queen nest prospecting-movie

“All my articles and videos, available free, are funded by my  teaching and sales of award winning bumblebee nest boxes, solitary bee boxes,  and wormeries. Please help by spreading the word and forwarding this link to your friends and...
Bumblebee queen in nest seeking mode, video!

Bumblebee queen in nest seeking mode, video!

Bumblebee queen searching for a nest site How can you tell when bumblebee queens are looking for a nest site and not just foraging? One of the main visible clues is her behaviour and the fact that she has no pollen inside her pollen baskets. If she does she has...